Trinidad & Tobago

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Programme Enrolment - What route to take?

Get Qualified TODAY! Get Qualified TODAY! Find your Qualification Plan Do a Competency Analysis Enrol in a Certification Programme Be Formally Assesed

So you've found that Qualification Plan in which you want to be certified and you've completed your Competency Analysis and have seen what skills and knowledge base the course will require.

The question now is what route to take?

I am interested in Training

If you are looking to get formal training and preparation for a formal assessment then you should search our database for registered training providers which offers your interested qualification plan and contact them for enrolment in their next schedule date for candidate registration. Click here to get a listing of training providers that may be closest to you.

I am interested in having my developed skills assessed.

If you have acquired skills through your life experience in the field of the qualificaiton plan of your interest, then you can enrol in our Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition programme. Click here to get an overview of the programme. If you are familiar with the PLAR Process and you're ready to submit your qualification plans for enrolment review, please Click here.